
7 days to go

After 7 working days, 7/13, it will be the last day i work in Bank of America which is now China Construction Bank.

It is where my pain and sorrows starts and ends, i hope.
9 months since i have been here, it is like 9 years.
Here, i lost my enthusiasm of love and investment. Like a wind, blown away.
Yet, i realize that i get something in return.
I re-discover my dream, my philosophy of life and my vision of value.
I lost vivian, i lost the dream to be an investment analyst, i am hopeless in regarding to love affairs.

Fair enough??


You and Me

Perhaps, I do not deserve it. Fate, i comfort myself as.
Pain, Hope, Betrayal, love, give, take, treasure, sorrows, expectations...
For now on, with the vanish of love, gone by all gone.

You revealed a world to me and I would never be
Dwelling in such happiness, your gift of purity
you and me
it will always be You and me
Forever be,Eternally


ViVian @.@

Love is vanished afterall.

as i remember 6/26/07 is the date that i wipe out all my secondary fancies.
The smile of you will be remembered til the day i meet my maker.
I have been this years ago, I am Man enough to face it today.
Thankyou so much for all the memories.


命運敲定了 要這麼發生

講分開 可否不再 
習慣無常 才會慶幸講真 
天涯途上 誰是客散席時 怎麼分

流水很清楚 惜花這個責任
亦是無負這一生 水點蒸發變做白雲
淡淡交會過 各不留下印
但是經歷過 最溫柔共震


終於都跟他分手了 我開過的心不算少  
今天起睡得夠最重要 以後幸福亦未必敢笑

誰也好 即使愛侶都沒有必要待我好  
誰亦會計數 犧牲才得到的快樂 亦沒什麼味道  
難怪我雙協插了刀 為博他答謝也好  
誰願欠我一世人間散步  善良人永遠天真到 

Days without You

A can of Heineken and loads of stress is enough to put me on bed.
I slept tight at the first 2 hours and woke up at the middle of the night rolling on the bed.
It is Day 6 we havn't been talking to each other.
No wonder why my anxiety looms.

Rollercoaster, My heart surges and slumps sharp.
A repeat of story 5-6 years ago. But, i can stray and wander no more.

One or Two?? LuLu asked me about the trip to the sea on Sunday.
The simple question scratched across my heart and I was helplessly searching for an answer in a second.

V, Give me the answer tonight if u are here, and whether i am staying with u on ur 24th birthday.


假如讓我說下去 楊千嬅

作曲:于逸堯 作詞:林夕

任我想 我最多想一覺睡去
期待你 也至少勸我別勞累
但我把 談情的氣力轉贈誰
跟你電話之中講再會 再會誰
暴雨天 我至少想講掛念你
然後你 你最多會笑著迴避
避到底 明明不筋鴗都力疲

我想哭 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 像最初相識我當時未怕累
但如果 但如果說下去 或者 傻得我
暴雨中 我到底怎麼要害怕
難道你 無颱風會決定留下
但我想 如樓底這夜倒下來 就算臨別亦有通電話

我怕死 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 讓我可以不靠安眠藥進睡
但如果 但如果說下去 亦無非逼你
壹句話 如今跟某位同居
我的天 你可不可以暫時讓我睡
忘掉愛 尚有多少工作失眠亦有罪
但如果 但如果怨下去 或者 傻得我

離開 不應再打攪愛人 對不對


6/25 11:21 @ office

After a sleepless night, i am annoyed by a bunch of female colleagues who are discussing their plan for a weekend trip to mainland China. From Dim Sums to Facials to body massages, they get really excited with what it is like in Shenzhen. I have been there. And, i do not fancy going, even with all those sweet gals putting on price tags. It is a trend, an evolution, an alter of the way of life of Most HongKongers.

From so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved." ---- Charles Darwin

I am definately not "IN". Will i be??

How was it when you are sleepless at night?

1. thinking of Gordon Ramsay
2. thinking of the un-done revision
3. thinking of the stock market of tomorrow
4. thinking of what sort of girlfriends i have got, or once got.
5. thinking of what can i do to make myself sleep easily.
6. thinking of why i cannot fall asleep even i am exhausted thoroughly.

Sie: Dr., plz give me some thing to cure.
Dr.: You corpse! there's no cure.